Friday, December 23, 2005

So all alone I keep the wolves at bay

Topic for today: Politics
Normally, I don't make my political views very well known. It's not something I like to proclaim from the rooftops. However, when asked I will reveal that I am a solid right winger on most all points. My views these days, are pretty different than in my younger years. I used to be a right wing attack dog, loudly procliaming my Republican views to anyone who would listen. But over the last couple of years I have grown increasingly disenchanted with the lack of thinking on both sides of the aisle. To me, politics these days consist of people basically joining a "team", like they would support a hometown sports team. And after you join your "team", you then defend every single policy of that party. Nobody looks at the individual issues anymore, its simply, "Well, what is my party's stance on it? Thats what I believe." And all we end up doing is trying to get our team to win. I don't pretend to know how to fix the issues I bring up, I just wanted to share my opinion on them. All I can say is keep your eyes and ears open to other ideas, always.
  • It's been more than a year since I first got it, yet Green Day's American Idiot still probably gets more play than any other cd I own. Every time I listen I find a new song I enjoy. Its easier for me to separate art from politics than for alot of other people, I think.
  • I've heard that once again Spielberg is taking the easy way out in his new movie, Munich by refusing to take sides. One of the most disappointing developments in film over the past decade has been Spielberg's increasing insistence on making movies that don't offend anyone and have everyone leaving the theater happy. His self from 20 years ago would be angry at his work these days.
  • Stars are playing Canine tonight, I will be in the building.

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