Monday, January 24, 2005

Busy weekend

So another crazy acu weekend comes to an end. It was one where we actually decided to stay in Abilene, and boy I'm glad I did. Friday night we watched Shark Tale at Cullen Auditorium, which made that movie automatically a contender for worst movie of 2004 right alongside The Day After Tomorrow. Gonna give the edge to TDAT though. But after that, we went to the greatness that is Oplin, Texas. It's a tiny town about 25 minutes outside of ABilene, and about the only thing in the town is a community center that is basically a gym. And on Friday nights the gym turns into a country music dancehall, and it is the most fun I have had in an long time. There wasa live band cranking out the classics, and I had to learn the 2- step. Im no dancer, but it was such a great atmosphere and everyone got really into it.
On Saturday we went to Rosa's, and then eventually found ourselves at the House of Yaweh, one of the most watched cults in America. Its right outside of Clyde, and it always seems to really creep everyone out everytime we go. We drive by and look at the guards, its always a good time. Well thats about it, i want to write more but I am really tired so i'll try to write tomorrow. God bless.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Sing Song and other stuff

So today is Wednesday, and it feels like yet another week is flying by. Every noght for the past week and up until late February we will be having Sing Song preactice every night from 9-11. This is pretty draining, but I'm really glad to be a part of it. Its a honor really, when you look back and see all the tradition associated with it, going bakc way past even my parents when they were here.
Intramural basketball satrted Tuesday, and its off to a great start. Team Thundercats dismantled Frats 2 by the score of 62-5. It was a massacre, but we will definetely be playing beter teams that that in ther future. I feel good about our team, its just a matter of guys playing together and getting comfortable with each other's actions on the court. We look a little jumbled on offense, but I'm confident we can bring it together. Our inside is solid, with me, Chase and Garret holding down the middle.
Thats about all, i'll try to post again tomorrow. Have a great week.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Where it all begins...again

And so the rarely read, seldom published blog makes its triumphant return. Today I have just returned from Sing Song practice, and i am sitting in my room watching my favorite movie of 2004, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Its not for everyone, but if you have an open mind its the best love story of the year by far. Anyways, this weekend I went with about 30 people for a fun filled weekend to Borerne, Texas, right outside of San Antonio. It was a good time for all, filled with games, the Riverwalk, and a sweet Pat Green concert at Gruene Hall. That was by far the highlight of the trip, seeing him at such a legendary place. Its really interesting how the relationships within our little group constantly eveolve, you could write a book about all the stuff that goes on between couples and so forth.
Well it was a soild playoff football weekend, and once again the Pats showed that they are indeed what should be called a dynasty. There are 2 kinds of champions: those who are just happy to win one, and those who want to go down as one of the greatest teams ever. The Pats are squarely in the second group, and their leagcy will only continue to grow.

Because I want to, here's my top 10 movies if the year, cause it IS awards season.
1. The Aviator
2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
3. Finding Neverland
4. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
5. The Passion
6. Collateral
7.Friday Night Lights
8. The Terminal
9. Kill Bill Volume 2
10. Saw

And my # 1 least favorite movie of the year?? Of course:
The Day After Tomorrow