Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Where it all begins...again

And so the rarely read, seldom published blog makes its triumphant return. Today I have just returned from Sing Song practice, and i am sitting in my room watching my favorite movie of 2004, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Its not for everyone, but if you have an open mind its the best love story of the year by far. Anyways, this weekend I went with about 30 people for a fun filled weekend to Borerne, Texas, right outside of San Antonio. It was a good time for all, filled with games, the Riverwalk, and a sweet Pat Green concert at Gruene Hall. That was by far the highlight of the trip, seeing him at such a legendary place. Its really interesting how the relationships within our little group constantly eveolve, you could write a book about all the stuff that goes on between couples and so forth.
Well it was a soild playoff football weekend, and once again the Pats showed that they are indeed what should be called a dynasty. There are 2 kinds of champions: those who are just happy to win one, and those who want to go down as one of the greatest teams ever. The Pats are squarely in the second group, and their leagcy will only continue to grow.

Because I want to, here's my top 10 movies if the year, cause it IS awards season.
1. The Aviator
2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
3. Finding Neverland
4. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
5. The Passion
6. Collateral
7.Friday Night Lights
8. The Terminal
9. Kill Bill Volume 2
10. Saw

And my # 1 least favorite movie of the year?? Of course:
The Day After Tomorrow

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