Thursday, October 07, 2004

Been awhile

Ok so its been awhile since i've updated this, so I have lots to say.
First, a quick sports point: I hate the Yankees, clear and simple. They are the Evil Empire. Either you hate the Yankees, or you have no soul. But I absolutely love Derek Jeter. He is probably my favorite non-Ranger in the entire league. Nobody gives their all, and comes up in the clutch plays like him. He is a gamer. If I had to start a team from scratch, he's the one guy I would pick first.

Ok well, on to other stuff. I am going home this weekend, back to the Hills. I am looking forward to seeing my family again, cause I really miss them. I think on Friday I am going to try and go to the Birdville football game, and also go see Friday Night Lights. Saturday I am going to watch Texas/OU and hopefully go to the Mavericks Blue/White scrimmage at TCU. Should be a great, sports filled weekend.
So lately I have been giving a lot of thought to my future career. What will I be? It's kinda scary because you don't want to end up doing something you ahte, and that sucks because you have to make a comittment with your major and stuff. Often I think about doing something like teaching and coaching, something that would give me lots of free time and I would have fun doing it. But something tells me God wants me to do something truly great and ambitious. Thats why I want to go to Law School. I really want the challenge, and it suits my personality. I don't really know why I am writing about all of this, if only becasue maybe it will let yall into a little bit of my life. Well I hope everyone has a great week, and stays safe. I'll write again in a few days.

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