I got to see the newest Michael Bay epic this weekend, Transformers. Gotta say, I was impressed. I usually don't enjoy Bay's work, including the overblown Pearl Harbor and Bad Boys films. But this one was pure fun from start to finish. Maybe the guiding hand of executive producer Steven Spielberg helped make this one so good. As a fan of the original TV show and toys from my childhood, I have no complaints. I liked how it seemed to know it had cheesy subject matter to start with, and then just ran with it. The film was filled with fun characters who were enthusiastic, but also knew they were in a summer blockbuster type movie. Also, the special effects were drop dead gorgeous. Good to hear the original voice of Optimus Prime as well, that was a nice shout out to the fans. I can always tell whether I like a movie or not by how many times I check the time, and on Transformers I never even thought about it. Highly recommended.
On Saturday I caught some of Live Earth, Al Gore's concert "for a climate in crisis". I just really admire all of the performers and celebrities who showed up to make a difference. Nothing helps save the environment more than celebs flying across the country in their private jets, to get up on stage and preach to us about not being wasteful. What a moving experience.
While I believe humans do indeed contribute to the harming of the earth, I do not believe we are on a "doomsday clock", headed for extinction in the next 10 years. I think ti is incredibly arrogant to believe that humans, in less than 150 years, can so drastically affect a planet that has been going pretty good for over 65000000 years. Do we really think we know anything about the earth? It will survive. The almost "religion" of global warming scares me. But enough about that for now.

At some point this week I want to make a trip to Dallas to visit the Kwik E-Mart, a 7-11 converted into the convenience store of Simpsons lore. There are 11 of these around the U.S., and I would regret not taking the chance to pick up some "Buzz Cola" or some "Krusty-Os" as a collectors item.

If you can, check out the trailer for the new J.J. Abrams movie that's attached to Transformers, codenamed "Cloverfield". It it very, very creepy. Search around on YouTube for it, as it keeps getting taken down by the studio.
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